The 7 Best Tools To Do An Seo Audit
Digital Marketing SEO

The 7 Best Tools To Do An SEO Audit

Performing one of the consultant’s main jobs requires a diverse range of skills; We have the knowledge and basic notions, even the experience, but we still have an important detail to carry out our work in the most optimal way possible: having the best tools for an SEO audit .

And it is not something insignificant, but rather those programs that will help you in the decomposition process of a website and that will allow you to carry out the best SEO analysis of an ecommerce or blog on the Internet.

At Thalla Lokesh, we know how important our users are to truthful information and advice in any area of digital marketing . Therefore, below, we list some tools to do an SEO audit that, in our opinion, are the best in their same field of application.

What is an SEO audit?


An SEO audit is an analysis, both internal and external , of the website itself, eCommerce or blog, with the aim of breaking down each of its areas and discovering what are the positive and negative factors that affect its positioning in the Google search engine.

To carry it out, it is important to have the best tools for an SEO audit, since they will accompany you throughout the web inspection process, and they will discover what is causing you to drop positions in the search results.

In this way, the user or creator of the page will be able to contract a service to improve it or make the appropriate changes himself in order for it to appear at the top of Google . However, it is not a simple process, since the analysts themselves have experience in the sector and nothing assures you, as an individual user, of success in your task.

🤔 What are the different levels of analysis?

As we have already mentioned, through the different tools for an SEO audit we can find two types of levels: the internal level of the web (corresponding to SEO OnPage) and the external level (SEO OffPage). Both are equally important to try a correct optimization of the page.

When we talk about SEO Onpage , we are referring to all the aspects to be regulated within the same page , such as titles, texts, structure, architecture, optimization, loading speed, images, keywords or keywords, etc. Google will seek that all of them are focused on the correct understanding and user experience .

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On the other hand, with respect to SEO Offpage , we take into account those factors that are not within the web , but in other spaces. We are talking about linkbuilding (quality links to our page), blog content, social networks, and many other strategies that increase the authority of your site.

Advantages of using SEO audit tools

Once you know exactly what an SEO strategy is all about , the first question you’ll ask yourself is what exactly specialized tools are for. It is important to have doubts to learn! And there is a long list of benefits that they can offer you in your work organization.

✓ Greater optimization of time : Thanks to this type of application, the work that was previously done by hand and in which it could take hours, can now be carried out in a short period of time.

✓ Improves quality : It is common for programs to go to places where the human mind does not. That added character makes our reports more complete and can solve problems more intrinsically.

✓ Wide coverage of tasks : There are tools for an SEO audit that take care of certain aspects that could not be done manually.

✓ Professional specialization : A person who dedicates himself to SEO analysis, will have more possibilities of finding employment the more programs he masters in his business sector.

There is a long list of advantages and few disadvantages in getting involved in this type of program; For this reason, in our blog we are going to mention some of the most important SEO audit tools that can help you the most in your daily work. Wait no more and read below!

7 tools for a fundamental SEO audit

The time has come to know what are the best tools for an SEO audit! The marketing and web analytics sector is full of them; There are all the prices, conditions and functionalities , some more basic and others more specialized , and we have decided to mix and explain the fundamentals.

EM SEMrush

SEMrush is a SEO audit tool, with a paid and free version , that has a wide variety of functionalities to be able to analyze, in the most specific way possible, all the sections of a web page and see their level of health.

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This gives you a lot of data from the competition , allowing you to follow their guidelines and see what works in them to adapt it to your digital space. It allows you to analyze your entire web page, but it also shows all the information about the code to text ratio, alt tags, duplicate content, navigation errors and links, and many others.

Aming Screaming Frog

Do you want to analyze your website in depth without any limit, but would you like to start testing with a totally free tool ? Screaming Frog is what you were looking for.

This program allows you to crawl a page and all its links, images, CSS and other necessary elements in SEO. According to the web, the analysis can last more or less time, but finally it will offer us a series of factors to take into account to improve it and position it better in search engines.

This information is based on: response codes , urls, page titles, meta descriptions , images, directives (meta robots, canonical links, and rel = next / prev annotations), and XML sitemap, elements that you can take advantage of to optimize the Web.

⚡ Ahref

It is a tool specialized in link analysis , but it also plays a fundamental role in an SEO study. This gives information about the health of a website, about the content it houses and the accessibility it has; It also exposes backlinks , referring domains, organic keywords, and revised keywords.

With other plugins like Site Explorer, Content Explorer and Keyword Explorer and others to do a more thorough investigation of optimization factors.


One of the best known in the sector for its wide range of possibilities , its speed and simplicity of operation. The most important functions it performs are the following: it establishes rankings, analyzes competitors, exposes visibility, keywords , links, site crawl, and many other relevant factors.

In addition, it has a SEO audit tool adapted to specific pages and that provides a visualization of its optimization factors quickly; It’s called Moz Tool Bar , and it adapts to the navigation system.

⚡ WooRank

It is a simple and easy to use SEO audit tool to track and connect marketing data. In a first section, mark the priorities that you must follow to optimize a website, and later expand the elements point by point of SEO OnPage.

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It has a series of advantages for the most doubtful: it simplifies digital marketing, analyzing all the data on the site for SEO, social networks and usability; His reports attract new clients interested in constantly updating progress, and he knows exactly what is negatively affecting positioning.

Plus, it has a parallel analysis feature that reveals the most important keywords that are helping the competition in the first place.

⚡ Google Page Speed

It is a tool for SEO audits that is solely responsible for analyzing the loading speed of your site both on computers and on mobile devices . In this way, and with your recommendations, we can improve this factor.

Although it may not seem that important at first, the speed of a page largely determines where it will appear in search results. If it takes a long time to open, users will not be satisfied, and this will directly affect its optimization.

Therefore, some of the elements that it tells you to change are: the cache of the browser, the optimization of images, errors in the HTML and CSS code, and analyzes what the user experience may be taking all this into account.

⚡ SEOptimer

Finally, this program analyzes all the OnPage elements of a website to, just afterwards, show you in a list all the factors that you must change or improve to optimize and appear in the first results of Google.

In exchange for a “like”, the application allows you to download said report in PDF in order to expose or explain it in a more visual way.


Sitechecker is an all-in-one SEO tool that provides users with a comprehensive analysis of their website’s performance. Its SEO Checker feature allows users to quickly identify areas that need improvement in terms of on-page and off-page optimization. Sitechecker’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for users to navigate and access all the features and tools they need to improve their website’s SEO performance without any technical knowledge.


If you are looking for other types of SEO analysis tools in the sector, you can research our blog and discover other topics of interest. If, on the contrary, you are interested in hiring one of these services, you can count on our experience . Take a step forward and improve your website!

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