Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2020
Digital Marketing Marketing

Top marketing trends for 2020?

Some time ago, artificial intelligence, SEO, and information-driven marketing were amongst some of the ambitious concepts. Today, all of these concepts are the trending innovations of digital marketing and the top priority of the top business owners in the year 2020.

This is obvious as the main motive of any business in the competitive world we live in today is to stay ahead in the landscape. This requires adaptation to the constantly evolving and changing digital marketing. But don’t make mistakes, marketing completely depends on the behavior and interests of the consumer and is often difficult to predict. Marketers need to be aware and they can no longer go with old methods or educated guesses.

Read on for discovering the top marketing trends for 2020 that will assist your business to thrive and not just survive.


  • Content Marketing:



Content has always been the King, so this year content marketing will thrive and more personalized. The work of content marketers will be similar to that of journalists. They will shift their focus on the real people and include the content that has authenticity. This means video formats will be used for making the audience feel a connection with the story. Also, the sales cycle gets longer (Stats by Google shows 30 to 60 days or buying a pair of shoes).

So what’s the length of a business owner’s cycle? (People can make use of Facebook or Google analytics with the attribution tools for this.). So invest in evergreen content. This will ensure that a better ranking is achieved in the specific niche of the product/services that one is providing. Also, SEO basics need to be thoroughly learned and try using good keywords in the content. The post must contain relevant links and share the post as much as one can. Any company only needs two or three good content.

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2. Giveaways with Influencers:

For enhancing the follower’s giveaways are a perfect way. The higher the number of followers the better will be the engagement. And when a business can engage their followers, the probability of them making the purchase increases. This is especially true if there is a personal interaction with them as well. The giveaways do exactly that and build trust with potential clients. 

Please keep in mind that consumers no longer want to see ads on discount/sales from companies. And they are losing interest in traditional marketing strategies. For deciding to buy a product they are relying on their friends and influencers. Business owners need to get influencers for promoting and sharing the giveaways. This increases the business following, sales, and emails and the consumer is happy as they receive free stuff.

  1. Retention and cancellation

Consumer retention is all about correcting the loopholes in the business. Customer retention ensures engagement in the product and services. For this customer, advocates need to be created to reduce churn. This is important mainly because keeping a customer engaged is a lot easier than finding a new one. One needs to pay attention to the cancellation flow and the abandoned cart. Try sending SMS, ads, and emails for completing the order as this is an effective strategy to increase conversion rates. Dig deeper and ask the consumer their reason for cancellations and abandoned carts.

4. Community Management:

This year community management will also see a revival although it had been underrated for the past few years. The marketing team should take a wider approach to handle community management properly. This is vital because community management had been one of the most underrated conversion strategies and can work great if used properly. The social post’s comments can work like a goldmine for any business. Community management provides information on things that people like and don’t. It’s important to answer the questions consumers ask on promotion and sales pages. This can add multiple CTA’s on the ads and posts.

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5. SMS Marketing:

Most business owners are not aware that 54% of the consumers require SMS messages but just about 11 % send them. The companies are constantly failing the use of SMS strategy and missing out on reaching the potential clientele that can set them apart. Text messaging is important to be included as a top marketing strategy in 2020, in case a business still isn’t using it. This is convenient, easy and fast for businesses too. They can send bulk SMS at one time with just a click. 

The company is also able to track who had clicked on the links or unsubscribed from the messages. As per Gartner, 98% of all messages do get read and according to Forbes 95%, all texts are read in 3 minutes. This means that SMS marketing is loved by businesses and can guarantee that the message will be read instantly!

6. Artificial Intelligence

For the prediction of inaction and action, AI can be used effectively for marketing. This involves efficient use of machine learning, customer data and computational concepts. It can take big data and information and assist the marketers to segment it with ease. Marketers then can further break that information for creating customized content for the audience.

Wrapping it up:

So, here you have it, a simple and complete guide for the top marketing trends of 2020 that you should use. In today’s world of marketing constant change is an integral part of work. One must keep looking forward and work hard for embracing new tools, strategies, and technology for gaining an edge over the business competitors. 

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