SEO Strategy for 2022
Digital Marketing SEO

SEO strategy: how to create the best step by step

In this article we are going to explain step by step how to create an SEO strategy that will give you results. Based on experience and what works to position in search engines like Google. Your maximum objective should be to appear first in searches related to your sector.

The SEO is a long – term task and therefore requires that we have a strategic vision. If we coordinate our efforts well, we will see results much faster and we will also be able to maintain them over time.

The SEO strategies are not only based on optimizing your website, but also require preparation before you act and be able to look to the future. Let’s see it step by step.

1) Prepare your SEO strategy


1.1. Create a buyer persona

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal client: age, occupation, characteristics, interests, needs, etc. Normally, a buyer person has a name and even a photo, it is like a kind of “robot portrait”. Its role is to help us better understand who we are targeting and identify with our customers.

And what does this have to do with SEO? Very simple: if we put ourselves in the shoes of this person, we will be able to understand what he needs, how he searches for it in Google and what he hopes to find . That will help us guide the entire SEO strategy.

1.2. Analyze the competition

The positioning in Google is always relative, as there are other sites competing for the same keywords as us. So in order to plan the SEO strategy , we have to be aware of what the competition is doing.

Therefore, in this step we will have to prepare a list of our main competitors and see what keywords they are positioning their website for . My recommendation is that you rely on tools like Semrush, Seigoo or Metricspot, with which you can get a lot of information just by entering the URL of your competitor’s site.

1.3. Research your keywords

The analysis of keywords is the foundation on which the entire SEO strategy is based. To organize it, it is a good idea to start by obtaining a comprehensive list of keywords (through brainstorming and tools such as the Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest) and then try to narrow it down by seeing which ones interest us the most.

When making a final listing, be sure to discard these 3 types:

  • Keywords with too much competition . We have to be aware of the resources we have. If a keyword is very attractive, but the whole first page is covered by very strong sites, it is better to look for alternative options.
  • Keywords that attract the wrong users . We always have to look at the intention behind a search term. If the person looking for that term is not interested in what you offer, it is useless to be in the first place.
  • Keywords with very few searches . It is true that long tail keywords can bring us good conversion data by being very specific, but we have to set a threshold below which it is not worth optimizing for that word.
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1.4. Tune up your tools

There are many SEO tools that can make the task easier for us, and throughout this article we will mention the most important ones. But in particular, before starting, my recommendation is that you open an account in Google Console and link it with your Analytics account .

Google Console is a super useful tool to obtain information about the keywords that drive traffic to your website and correct possible errors. By connecting both platforms, you can see all the information from Analytics and have everything under control.

2) Optimize

2.1. Prepare your mobile page

For the Google algorithm, the mobile version of your website is the main one, and not the other way around.

Today, the majority of search traffic comes from mobiles, so it is absolutely imperative that your website is properly optimized for them. For this, it is recommended to either implement a responsive design throughout the page, or use AMP technology (Accelerated Mobile Pages) .

2.2. Improve loading speed

The loading speed of a web page is a determining factor of the positioning and also greatly influences the user experience. A website that takes too long to load frustrates visitors and is doomed to failure.

To optimize the loading of your website, we recommend that you take a look at Google Page Speed ​​Insights. With this tool you can see a speed and optimization score and receive tips to improve them.

2.3. Optimize URLs

The URL optimized will make it easy for both users and search engines. The advice is that they are as simple as possible (for example, and that they contain the keywords for which you want to position.

On a more technical level, you have to be very careful both with duplicate URLs (for example, it is common to have several different URLs for the home page of a website) and with redirects. The cleaner and clearer the structure of the web, the better.

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2.4. Use the headings correctly

The headings ( H1 , H2, H3 …) are HTML tags that indicate the structure of a web page. With them, we can subdivide the text into different sections so that it is clear both for users (through different text sizes) and for search engines.

The most important heading is H1, which indicates the title of the page. It should always be descriptive and include keywords, and we should only use one per page.

To divide the text into sections and subsections, it is recommended to use secondary headings (H2, H3, etc.). We can even go as far as H6 if necessary.

2.5. Take care of titles, descriptions and images

In SEO strategy , details are very important.

Each page on our site should have an optimized title and description , as that is what will be displayed to users on search engine results pages.

As for the images , at least they should have a text for the ALT tag (description that is displayed when the image cannot be loaded) and be optimized to take a short time to load.

To have all these aspects well controlled, it is recommended to use a specific tool, for example, the WordPress Yoast SEO plugin.

2.6. Create quality content

The quality content is the basis not only of the SEO strategy, but the inbound and digital marketing in general.

I know we repeat this message endlessly, and it is not because we are tired, but because it is the truth. Google updates its algorithms almost daily , it is no longer as it used to be a few times a year. So if you don’t want to see your traffic fluctuate like the tides, you should provide valuable content that will retain the audience on your website. If you succeed, your positioning will be constant over time and you will go up to the first organic search positions. And the updates will not affect you almost.

Sometimes you can make the mistake of over-optimizing content for search engines, even resorting to black hat SEO techniques . But in the long term, it is always worth thinking about the user first and creating content that is useful to them and answers their questions and needs.

2.7. Fix bugs

SEO errors can pose serious penalties in the positioning of a website, so you have to be aware to correct them in time.

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My favorite tool for this is Google Search Console, which offers detailed reports of what’s going wrong and helps you quickly fix it. In addition to the errors themselves, it also alerts you to “valid with warning” pages, which are not so serious but should always be reviewed.

3) Look to the future

3.1. Measure and analyze your results

The SEO strategy can not end in the executive branch, we also have to stop every so often to measure what we are doing and discuss it with future prospects.

If we establish a series of regular control points, we will be able to see trends more easily and anticipate what is happening to further optimize positioning.

3.2. Optimize for Google’s zero position

The zero position of Google is one of the most exciting developments in recent years. It is a result that appears prominently and shows an extract of the information sought, in the form of a paragraph, list or table.

To increase the probability of appearing in the zero position , it is recommended to adopt these guidelines:

  • Answer frequent user questions about your industry.
  • Search for keywords in the form of a question and optimize your content for them.
  • Get to the point so that the main question is answered in the first lines, but without stopping to develop the topic in depth in the rest of the article.

Google’s zero position is not obtained by pushing your position, but is chosen by Google. So it is a bit of a lottery, but if you buy multiple numbers, you may end up showing up very safely.

3.3. Think about intentionality

The algorithms of search engines like Google are constantly evolving and increasingly rely on artificial intelligence . Therefore, where before they valued that the keyword appear in its literal form, now they are able to detect the intent of a user, even if they express the search in different ways.

This means not focusing so much on keywords and starting to think about offering quality content that meets the needs of users.

Write for people, not for the search engine! It is what takes now and always.

3.4. Optimizes for voice searches

The voice searches are a growing trend that forces us to rethink our SEO strategy. With Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa and other similar technologies, the search behavior of users is quite different. In general, voice searches are longer, more “long tail” and more immediate, and require short and direct responses.

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